Featherlight Slings on tan background
Featherlight Hunter Pack
The Featherlight Hunter Pack is the all-in-one solution for hauling your optics.
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Featherlight Slings on tan background
Strong, Lightweight
Ready for the field. See why the Featherlight Sling should be on your rifle or shotgun this fall.
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Hunter flipping open Element scope caps
Element Scope Covers
Butler Creek Element Scope Caps take lens protection to the next level.
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Riflescope Cover Sizing Guide

Scope Cover Measurement Guide

Cover your glass.
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Butler Creek Magazine Loaders

Magazine Loaders

Our magazine loaders fill up mags almost as fast as they can be emptied.
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Best Gun Slings
Butler Creek's slings come in the size that is right for the shooter. Superior craftsmanship designed for carrying ease.
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Butler Creek Slings
4 out of 5 Customer Rating